generation assets


ceará geradora de energia

Installed Power - 127MW

Fortaleza (CE) and Manaus (AM)
Investiment: R$ 80 mi

Servtec’s first major challenge in the power generation segment. The company designed, developed, invested and implemented nine thermoelectric power plants with a total power of 127MW, in a record period of 90 days. These plants were installed in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza (CE) to meet the Federal Government’s Emergency Electricity Program and began operating in 2001. In a second phase, the equipment was transferred to Manaus (AM) and consolidated in three plants. All together, CGE operated for five years until 2006, upon the expiration of its PPA.


gera amazonas

Installed Power - 85MW

Manaus (AM)
Investiment: R$ 235 mi

Just two years after completing the deployment of this plant, Servtec faced another major engineering challenge: converting its heavy oil (OC-A1) operation to natural gas supplied by the Urucú gas pipeline. This plant operates on a permanent basis in compliance with a 20-year PPA with Amazonas Geração S / A, a subsidiary of Eletrobrás


gera maranhão

Installed Power - 330MW

Miranda do Norte (MA)
Investiment: R$ 560 mi

It is Servtec’s largest power generation project and went into commercial operation in 2010. It complies with a 15- year PPA with 36 power distributors and produces enough energy to serve the entire island of São Luís (MA). Designed to serve as a back-up of the National Interconnected System (SIN), at some point it operated continuously for nine months in 2012.


bons ventos taÍBA

Installed Power - 17MW

São Gonçalo do Amarante (CE)
Investiment: R$ 87 mi

The projects were a major challenge for Servtec as the 75 wind turbines were deployed on mobile dunes, requiring the involvement of Brazil’s most renowned engineering professionals. The plants are under energy sale contracts to Eletrobrás, in compliance with the Federal Government’s Incentive Program for Renewable Energy Sources (PROINFA).


bons ventos do aracati

Installed Power - 140MW

Acarati (CE)
Investiment: R$ 715 mi

The windfarms started their commercial operation in 2008 and 2010, respectively. In 2011, Bons Ventos do Aracati was considered the largest wind farm in Brazil, with an annual output exceeding 500 GWh. Servtec maintained the Bons Ventos Taíba and Aracati wind farms until 2012, when they were acquired by CPFL Renováveis.


bons ventos da serra i

Installed Power - 23MW

Ibiapina (CE)
Investiment: R$ 130 mi

The first two projects of a 400MW wind farm, BVS1 and BVS2, reached 109MW and were erected at the top of Chapada da Ibiapaba (CE). With 52 wind turbines installed at almost 1,000 meters above sea level, the wind farm generates energy from constant unidirectional winds and meets PPAs awarded at auctions organized by the Federal Government in the Regulated Contracting Environment (ACR).


bons ventos da serra ii

Installed Power - 86MW

Ibiapina and Ubajara (CE)
Investiment: R$ 550 mi


bons ventos

Installed Power - 42MW

Paracuru (CE)

Bons Ventos Paracuru is a wind project located on the coast of Ceará, approximately 250 km from the Bons Ventos da Serra Wind Complex and 100 km from Fortaleza.

Its authorization was granted by ANEEL in 2010 and its energy is fully supplied to the National Interconnected System pursuant to a reserve energy contract won in the 3rd LER of 2009.
Its construction started in 2011 and its commercial operation in 2012.
It was acquired by Darby Servtec Energia FIP in 2020.

hydroelectric power plants (cghs)

paulista geradora de energia

Installed Power - 7.1MW

Guaraú (SP)
Cascata (SP)
Investiment: R$ 62 mi

In a pioneering project in the state of São Paulo, Servtec, in partnership with Sabesp and Tecniplan, formed the company of Paulista Geradora de Energia (PGE), with the objective of exploring the hydraulic potential of Sabesp’s reservoirs.
With a differentiated capacity factor in the Distributed Generation segment (FC = 80%), the project has an important contribution to the environment as a result of generation from a renewable source.
The investment in the construction of the two CGHs (Guaraú and Cascata), is expected to be R$ 62 million, and commercial operation will start in mid-2021. All the energy generated in the two CGHs will be destined to Telefônica Vivo, under a long-term contract between the companies.

small hydroelectric plant (pch)


Installed Power - 21.8MW

Campo Novo do Parecís (MT)
Investiment: Darby Servtec Energia FIP

Inxú is a SHP (small hydro plant) located in Rio do Sangue, a river with one of the most stable and regular water flows in the country. Considering the historical average of the last 35 years, it has a capacity factor greater than 80% while the national average is 55%.
Its concession was issued by ANEEL in 2010, the same year that the project signed a PPA of 30 years in the 3rd reserve energy auction (LER). With its construction started in 2011, it had its commercial operation in 2015. It was acquired by Darby Servtec Energia FIP in 2020.

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